Watch Intro Video


  • Catch the Picture-Perfect Action Shot!

    In this course, I will share with you special camera settings, in-the-field manoeuvres, extra tricks needed for catching birds in flight, and uncommon post processing tips.

  • Prerequisite

    You'll need to have some basic photo taking skills and post processing knowledge of Photoshop and Lightroom.

  • Coaching Session

    At any point during this course, you'll be able to schedule one free 30 minute private zoom session with the instructor to troubleshoot the course curriculum. Email me at : [email protected].

  • Still Can't Decide?

    If you can’t decide if this course is right for you, join me on a meet-and-greet Zoom session where I can answer your questions or help to alleviate any hesitations. If you are unsure of your ability to meet the criterion for the course we can discuss this during our session. Email me at: [email protected].

  • Want Additional Coaching?

    I will also be offering 2 hour private coaching sessions at a special price for anyone that needs to catch up on their picture taking and post processing skills. Email me ([email protected]) if interested!

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Module One: Photography, Passion and Equipment

    • Welcome & Introduction

    • Module 1 Video

    • Text Version of Video

    • Module 1 Quiz

    • Module 1 Assignment

  • 2

    Module Two: Camera Settings

    • Module 2 Video

    • Text Version of Video PDF

    • Module 2 Quiz

    • Module 2 Assignment

  • 3

    Module Three: In The Field

    • Module 3 Video

    • Text Version of Video

    • Module 3 Quiz

    • Module 3 Assignment

  • 4

    Module Four: Birds in Flight

    • Module 4 Video

    • Text version of video PDF

    • Module 4 Quiz

    • Module 4 Assignment

  • 5

    Module Five: Post Processing Pt. 1

    • Module 5 Video

    • Text Version of Video PDF

    • Module 5 Quiz

    • Module 5 Assignment

  • 6

    Module Six: Post Processing Pt. 2

    • Module 6 Video

    • Text Version of Video

    • Module 6 Quiz

    • Module 6 Assignment

  • 7

    Module Seven: Photography Goals & Travel Tips

    • Module 7 Video

    • Text version of Video

    • Module 7 Quiz

    • Module 7 Assignment

Pricing options:

Full Course 8 weeks $497.00 (register now and pay with visa or paypal ) ..... 2 hour private session $99.00 email me to discuss and arrange payment [email protected]